Sunday, February 12, 2012

my, my.

What a "Hugo" Disappointment!

Wow, time sure flies! I can't believe it's been so long since I last posted. I apologize to all you Jamie Club fans. It's a little difficult as I also write for another blog. So I welcome any of the other Jamie Club members to post messages....

So I wasn't sure what the movie was about. I knew it was a Martin Scorsese movie. Also, a boy who lives in a clock? Well, I wasn't too impressed with the parts I saw in between naps. I wasn't drawn into the movie. I thought the characters were too contrived. Don't get me wrong, the little boy was cute and played the part well. But I'm not into whimsical and storylines too far-fetched to believe. Anyone see Tree of Life??? A Terrence Malick movie. What's happened to these renowned directors?

Suffice to say, not getting my nod for Best Picture. Sorry, Maryann, coordinator this month. Hey, you'll have a chance with the snooze and WTF categories!

Alas, my weekend was not totally ruined. I saw the Vow last night. It was a movie based on true events. I loved it, and not just because of Channing's butt shot. It was about relationships, sacrifices, second chances, and loving someone enough to let go. What more can you ask for in a movie? Just my opinion...

Saturday, September 24, 2011

September Movie Choice - The Help

This movie was hyped up by critics and movie-goers alike. And deservedly so. It's based on a book by Kathryn Stockett. Though the book is fictional, I totally fell for all of the story lines, and how the relationships were depicted. Maybe the sh#@ pie was a little too much but overall I totally believed the injustices, prejudice, inequities and racism showed towards the black folks. I can actually see it happening in real life despite it being fiction. But the movie didn't just focus on white folks treating black folks badly, it showed different sides as well. Such as one of the maids, Minnie was physically abused by her husband. So poor Minnie was getting beat on not only by her employer (not literally) but also at home by her husband. Eventually she ended up working for Celia Foote, a white woman who saw Minnie as a person and not just a maid and definitely not a "black" maid. Celia who was also shun by the other white society ladies because they thought she was white trash. So you end up rooting for both Minnie and Celia overcoming their woes and cementing their relationship.

While this movie could have taken a whole different turn, I feel like I came out of the theatre remembering that there are good and bad people everywhere - black, white, yellow or purple. And to just appreciate the good folks......

Saturday, August 6, 2011

August Movie Choice - Snow Flower and the Secret Fan

Wow, is it already August? I can't believe the last time I posted was in January. Sorry, Jamie Club blog fans - I know y'all have been waiting anxiously for new posts...yea, right...

Anyways, it's been an interesting year so far. Life-changing as a matter of fact. Well at least for me since I'm the one posting! One thing I've taken from this past year's experiences - appreciate and celebrate family and friends. And not that superficial crap friendships - real and deep-abiding friendships. Friends who:
  • love and support you no matter what
  • open their homes and hearts to you without you having to ask
  • laugh and cry with you with no pretenses
  • stand by you even when they know you're heading down the wrong path
  • offer to pay someone to off the person who's hurting you
  • are always there to share your pain and joy even from long distances
Family will always be there but with friends, there's no blood to tie you to them. Just a commitment - unwritten and unspoken. Thank you to all of my friends! I love you all and feel so lucky to have you in my life...and a shout-out to my new "friend" - thanks for all that you do to make me happy.

Ok, enough of about me - although this is my blog! Let's talk movie....I think my homage to friends is a great segue way to this movie. Here's the official summary:

In 19th-century China, seven year old girls Snow Flower and Lily are matched as laotong - or "old sames" - bound together for eternity. Isolated by their families, they furtively communicate by taking turns writing in a secret language, nu shu, between the folds of a white silk fan. In a parallel story in present day Shanghai, the laotong's descendants, Nina and Sophia, struggle to maintain the intimacy of their own childhood friendship in the face of demanding careers, complicated love lives, and a relentlessly evolving Shanghai. Drawing on the lessons of the past, the two modern women must understand the story of their ancestral connection, hidden from them in the folds of the antique white silk fan, or risk losing one another forever.

This was a last minute Jamie club, an email was sent yesterday am and lo and behold, Jamie members came through. That shows real commitment unlike some other Jamie Club wannabes rumored to be starting! Although Joyce was the coordinator, I recommended this movie but only Janet read the synopsis and knew what the movie was about. So me, Joyce and Maryann went into this blindly not knowing what to expect. And let me tell you, it was definitely an emotional 2 hours.

The actresses were amazing! Their portrayal of friends in present day and 19th century were spot-on. In some scenes, there was no dialogue and the actresses basically spoke with their eyes and facial expressions. The movie showed that friendship/sisterhood experiences the same ups/downs whether its past or present times. Different class, men, or cultural stuff but the emotions the women shared were the same. Nina/Lily always felt this overwhelming responsibility to take care of Sophia/Snow Flower. She would give up opportunities to stay close/near Sophia. But Sophia/Snow Flower knew she was a burden to Nina/Lily so she sacrificed their friendship in order to free Nina/Lily. Seriously, the selflessness both friends displayed was heartbreaking. In the end, they were together but one story ended sadly. I won't spoil it so you'll have to see the movie.

I totally recommend this movie - bring your sisters, aunts, cousins and friends.....

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Happy 2011!

Dear Jamie fans,
Sorry, it's been awhile since I last updated the blog. Life has been busy especially since I started working again this past October. Yes, life is rough, huh? Anyway, it's pretty bad when Janet posted to the blog in late December. Even though she posted pictures from 2009 (interjecting a little sarcasm here but with love). I thank you for your post, it makes me feel like my work here is appreciated. Although I think she posted those pictures because she really misses Koko and wanted us all to see those pictures again. Yeah, that's it and not because she found those pictures recently.

Anyway, tonight we just saw The Tourist with Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie. Janet was the coordinator and told Koko a couple of months ago after we saw Morning ho-hum Glory that she was going to carry on the "indie" mantle.  Well, not sure how many Spirit awards (for Indy movies) The Tourist is gong to win (more sarcasm!).

We forgot to take pictures of us at dinner because the food was so good! So please enjoy these pictures instead. We'll make sure our beautiful selves will be photographed next time.

Toodles, everyone! And have a happy, healthy and safe new year!

Monday, October 18, 2010

October Jamie Club - Waiting for Superman

Welcome back to Jamie Club member, Lucille. It's been a long time and we're already putting you back to coordinating next month's Jamie Club!

I, (Brenda) coordinated tonight's movie/documentary "Waiting for Superman". It was either that or Secreteriat, the horse movie. I had to think strategically, what will win me the most Jamie awards?? Hmmmm, the horse movie lost. Anyways, the documentary showed a sad state of our country's educational system. In our discussion after the movie, it seems like we all learned a little something about the movie, ie, tenure is not only for college professors but for all teachers, stats about how behind the US is in math and sciences? compared to other countries, and that all urban and inner city kids have the ability to learn and prosper if given the proper tools and education.

So what did I take away from this very important movie? That even though I don't have kids, this affects me and everyone in this country. We as taxpayers pay for the kids who grow up without a proper education and don't benefit from a nurturing teacher may end up turning to a life a crime. We pay for their upkeep and maintenance in prison. There are many other moral reasons why we should care, parent or not but I'm too tired now to dig deeper. Please feel free to comment, fellow Jamie Club members. I totally recommend this movie!

Dinner was at Zenna Noodle Bar in Coolidge Corner. It was ok for me. BTW, I added the Jamie Awards video onto this blog. See below and forward to all who may be interested in our little movie club.

BTW, congrats to our old friend Junko and her new baby, Taro. We miss you and wish you the very best!